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"👻 you really like mangos 👻"

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Hello everybody. It has been a ridiculous amount of time since the past update. I think I'm gonna outline the next few updates that I want to do becuase lately I have been kinda bad at updating anything but the blog.

  1. Shrines
  2. Chatbox
  3. Contact
  4. Aesthetics


No updates since the last log, im on vacation rn and am dying of embarrassment pls kill me already.

7/9/24 1:18 AM

Hey guys! Development on the website is gonna be SUPER slow over the next two weeks (possible even non-existent)!! I'll try to do what I can, though its not going to be much.

7/9/24 1:18 AM

Today's efforts are hard. I'm trying to focus on bringing my website to the theme I want but it is very very hard. Everything is ugly, I can't get any images to center on the screen the way I want it to, even with the help of tutorials. It is all disastrous. Maybe tomorrow will be a little more fruitful, because today sure wasn't. On the bright side, I started development on the "Works" page, so there's that for you! It's not much though...

7/7/24 2:27 PM

Update: Aegisu did infact NOT go to sleep and continued to work hard on their website. Me when im in a working hard on my website competition and my opponent is dollyaegisu.

7/7/24 3:21 AM

We lost a good one. My dear friend, Aegisu, after a hard battle against html for their hardwork to be displayed, has decided to hit the hay for tonight. They are asleep, but not forgotten. I must keep fighting for the sake of getting tons of work done. I hope one day that my work will be even HALF as good as my glorious idol, Suni. Suni, if you see this, I have intense respect for you because coding something so visually appealing seems so incredibly hard now that I've touched into html.

7/7/24 2:20 AM

Early WIP days of the website!! I'm having fun even though this is mad stressful. I will genuinely die if you make fun of this website cuz im working really really hard on it!!!